Our School
LaFayette Intermediate School
Grades 3 - 5
71 Inslee Street, Waterloo, NY 13165
Welcome to LaFayette Intermediate School!
We put kids first every day. We provide a safe, nurturing learning environment that fosters self-esteem, is conducive to learning, and prepares students to be successful for their life in and beyond the classroom walls.
Our team of educators is dedicated to the academic success and wellness of our students. We work together as a professional learning community to ensure that all students have opportunities to get the academic, behavioral, social, and emotional support they need.
All Students. All Staff. One Family.
Principal | Ms. Molly Lahr | 315-539-1530 |
Secretary | Mrs. Linda Cordovani | 315-539-1530 |
School Counselor | Mrs. Catherine Rieck | 315-539-1530 |
School Nurse | Mrs. Marjorie Davoli | 315-539-1535 |
Social Worker | Mrs. Sue Burroughs | 315-539-1442 |
Bell rings - school starts 8:38 am
*Walkers leave 3:17 pm
Buses depart 3:23 pm
*Students must be signed out at the Main Office when they are picked up by parents or other authorized adults. Students who are signed out at the Main Office by their parent/guardian will be announced @ 3:15 pm. Students who do not have an authorized person pick them up by 3:20 will be put on the bus..